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Drivers Education

Contract Assignment

Due Date: TBD




Students, a major part of your driver’s education course, you will have to prepare a contract between you and your parents. (A letter of understanding).


The contract will have to consist of a preamble, a statement considering why the contract is being written and who the contract shall cover.


The contract will consist of a minimum of two pages with a 14 pt. font.


The contract will be signed in its final form by you and whom the contract will be in force with.  It will be dated.


The idea will be that this is a working document between you and your parents.


You may put in your contract any idea which will help you both as a driver and a student.



The contract has to be turned in on the date specified. If not the student cannot drive until it is.  The contract has to be an original document and CANNOT be downloaded off the internet.





Mike J. Davis




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